Does my child have to be potty trained?

No. At Circle Academy, we understand that children grow and develop at their own rates and this includes potty training. We will absolutely help you with the potty training process when your child is ready. We will work with you and your child to ensure that potty training is consistent both at home and at school.

Do you take the children outdoors?

Yes, we have 2 completely enclosed play areas for the children to use. We believe gross motor play is very important and weather permitting children will go outside every day. Children should be dressed appropriately in anticipation of playing outdoors.

What if my child has allergies?

Circle Academy is a completely nut free facility. However, we need to know if your child has any allergies. Parents and pediatricians must fill out all allergy paperwork and return to the school prior to the start of the school year.

What are the teacher qualifications?

Circle Academy requires that teachers are certified teachers and are required to receive ongoing professional training annually. We also require that all teachers are fingerprinted and receive state SCR clearance and an up to date medical prior to beginning employment.

What if my child gets sick?

We’ll call you or a designated adult from your Emergency Information Form so that your child can be picked up as soon as possible. As per the Department of Health regulations, your child must be fever, vomit or diarrhea free without the use of medicine for 24 hours before
they may return to school.

Are we allowed to drop by the school?

Circle Academy has an open door policy for our families. We also schedule parent teacher conferences each year to discuss your child’s progress and growth within the program. You are also free to request a conference any time with your child’s teacher or the directors should you have any additional questions or concerns.